4+1 M.S. in Animal Informatics

Why do the 4+1 M.S. program?

Prepare to be promoted

When you're hired, you'll already have the advanced skills and degree you need to move up.

Save time and money

You'll take up to 18 fewer credit hours than if you earned a B.S. and M.S. individually.

Build on your connections here

Learn even more from your IU mentors, and keep collaborating with friends and partners.

Get the same valuable degree

All M.S. in Informatics students earn the same degree and diploma.

How it works

The program is designed so that highly motivated students can earn a master's degree in just one additional year. To do that, you'll take at least one graduate-level course during your senior year, when you're still classified as an undergraduate. You need to request permission from your advisor.

You'll be classified as an undergraduate through the last semester you are enrolled in undergrad requirements. You have to complete at least 15 hours of coursework while classified as a grad student.

Undergraduate scholarships and funding

Transitioning to graduate student status may affect any undergrad scholarships or other funding you have. Make sure to check on this and plan for it.


For the semesters you are in graduate status, you will pay the same tuition and fees as other M.S. students. Learn about costs and financial aid.

When you'll get your degrees

Degrees are awarded separately as the degree requirements have been met for each degree.

B.S. in Informatics students

Students currently pursuing their B.S. in Informatics with the Animal Informatics cognate are eligible for this 4+1 M.S. program.

The recommended path for students taking this path include taking the following classes as an undergraduate:

INFO-1341 Prototyping with Arduino Tools, INFO-I413 Usable Artificial Intelligence, and INFO-I414 Seminar in Animal Computer Interaction.

During your second year in the program, you’ll follow the the second year curriculum as outlined on the M.S. in Animal Informatics page.

Ready to get started?

Admission requirements

  • Apply as early as your junior year
  • Must have completed 60 credits
  • Change your major to B.S/M.S. program by talking to your advisor
  • Maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in your major and program

We encourage you to enroll in your first graduate class before you apply, but it isn't required for admission.

How to apply

Start by contacting your advisor, who can guide you through the process.

You’ll complete the same application for admission that traditional M.S. students submit, but you don’t have to submit Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores. We encourage letters of recommendation.